Magnetoelectric Ammeters AC with Rectifier Mua, Mub

Magnetoelectric ammeters alternating with a rectifier
handle deflection 240˚ type Mua 72,96,120
handle deflection 90˚ type Mub 72,96

The technical data catalog can be found on the download tab below the product.

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Magnetoelectric ammeters alternating with a rectifier
handle deflection 240˚
Type Range
Mua 72c 1mA - 400mA
Mua 72c x/1A
Mua 72c x/5A
Mua 96c 1mA - 400mA
Mua 96c x/1A
Mua 96c x/5A
Mua 120c 1mA - 400mA
Mua 120c x/1A
Mua 120c x/5A
Magnetoelectric ammeters alternating with a rectifier
handle deflection 90˚
Mub 72 100µA - 60mA
Mub 72 100 mA - 400mA
Mub 72 600mA - 60A
Mub 72 1- x / 1A, x / 5A
Mub 96 100µA - 60mA
Mub 96 100mA - 400mA
Mub 96 600mA - 60A
Mub 96 1- x / 1A, x / 5A